Tip #1 Don't Ignore Customers
If you see a customer waving you down or even looks like they need help, even if you are doing a task, it is important to ask if they need help. Far too many times customers get ignored by employees because they think their task is too important to take a minute or two to help a customer with anything they might need help with.
Tip #2 Don't Keep Customers Waiting Too Long
At Ralphs we get a lot of customers and it can get very busy, especially in the service deli during lunch time. A lot of the customers have a time they need to be back by and if we have them wait too long we get bad reviews because we should never have a customer wait. It is important to be as efficient as possible because some people are on a tight schedule.
Tip #3 Don't Say The Same Thing To Every Customer.
It is good to have some things the same when greeting customers but when serving customers it is important to act like a real person and have real conversations. If you say the same thing people will notice and think you are just acting and aren't actually being a real and honest person with excellent customer service skills.
Tip #4 Never Come Back Empty Handed
When taking care of a customer and they ask for something, some things may be out of stock. It is normal for some things to be out of stock but it is important to provide an alternative to what they are asking for. As long as you inform them of an alternative they won't feel like you did nothing and seem like you actually want to help them.